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What are the risks to consider when preparing your I-526E petition?

While seeking an EB-5 visa an investor needs to consider several factors when putting together their I-526E petition. Among them are:

  1. Attempting to handle the “source of funds report” alone can lead to investors prematurely transferring funds to the project, potentially jeopardizing its legality and approval. Collaborating with an experienced immigration law firm ensures proper guidance and verification of lawful fund transfers.
  2. Making the transfer of funds before receiving case approval from your immigration attorney can create unnecessary anxiety and potential legal issues. Instead, investors should seek confirmation of case approvability from their law firm before any fund transfers occur.
  3. Investors with overseas backgrounds must ensure their current application’s immigration history aligns perfectly with any past visa submissions like DS-160s. Inconsistent information can create hurdles.

To navigate these risks effectively, consulting with an experienced immigration law firm throughout the entire EB-5 process is highly recommended. Remember, consistency, collaboration, and seeking expert guidance are crucial to minimizing potential obstacles and navigating the EB-5 journey smoothly.